Prof. Hab. PhD. Eng. Wojciech SZELĄG
Dean of faculty of Control, Robotics & Electrical Engineering
Chairman of the Council for the discipline Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies

Hab. PhD. Eng. Stefan BROCK, University Professor
Vice Dean for Full-time Studies
Fields of study: Automatic Control and Robotics

Hab. PhD. Eng. Leszek KASPRZYK, University Professor
Vice Dean for Full-time Studies
Fields of study: Electrical Engineering, Electromobility, Mathematics in Technology, Mathematics of Modern Technologies

Prof. Hab. PhD. Eng. Dariusz HORLA
Vice Dean for Scientific Evaluation and Quality of Education
Dean's Representative for the Quality of Education

PhD. Eng. D. Cetnarowicz
Dean's Representative for Part-time Students

Hab. PhD. Eng. Krzysztof WANDACHOWICZ
Dean's Representative for Student Internships
PhD. Eng. Arkadiusz DOBRZYCKI
Coordinator for international Cooperation and Erasmus+ program
PhD. Eng. Marek KRAFT
Coordinator for development and cooperation with business and industry

Hab. PhD. Eng. Wojciech PIETROWSKI
Coordinator for development and cooperation with business and industry