List of research projects
Project number: 2017/26/D/ST7/00092
Project subject: Study of adaptive control for electroactive polymers
Type: NCN, Sonata 13
Duration: 2018-04-20 - 2021-10-19
Short synopsis:
Modern control systems require the use of more and more advanced actuators. This forces the search for alternative materials to the classic solutions. An example is electroactive polymers, which, due to their properties, are often referred to as intelligent materials. They enable the creation and improvement of new types of devices that are used in industry and medicine. Their greatest advantages are plasticity, low weight, quiet operation and the possibility of deformation due to electrical excitation. Among the electroactive polymers, we can distinguish several types, with dielectric electroactive polymers and ionic electroactive polymers being the most important for Automatic Control and Robotics. Recently, the greatest development concerns dielectric polymers. The aim of the project was to model an actuator made of a dielectric electroactive polymer and to develop control algorithms.
Project leader: Jakub Bernat , Ph.D., Eng.
Project number: 0211/SIGR/6434
Project subject: Modern materials for soft electroactive actuators
Type: Interdisciplinary Rector's Grant
Duration: 09-04-2021 to 09-10-2022
The grant is implemented in cooperation with the Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering (Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poznan University of Technology).
Short synopsis:
The development of automatic control and robotics systems leads to the need to produce more and more advanced executive systems. Soft actuators have recently increased in popularity, since, unlike classic actuators such as electric motors, they are flexible. This allows them to be used in systems that require delicacy, such as collaborative robots. Desirable features, such as softness, flexibility and appropriate shape are provided by polymeric materials. The aim of this project is to build and explore the properties of materials, such as dielectric polymers and magnetoelastomers for building actuators, in particular for soft robotic applications.
Key words: astronomy, optical observations, SST, vision servos, autonomous observatories.
Project leader: Jakub Bernat, D.Sc., Eng.
Project number: 0211/KISZ/2020
Project subject: CODE FOR GREEN
Duration: 2020-11-01 to 2022-08-01
Short synopsis:
Code For Green®, an original program of the Forum of Social Initiatives Foundation. It is financed by the "Terre des hommes" and "Volkswagen Belegschaftsstiftung" foundations. The program addresses the needs of children and youth in the field of education about nature, environmental protection and digital technologies. This is done through activities supporting the return of children to a deep experience of nature and building an active attitude towards information technology in them. Young people learn how to solve environmental problems using new technologies and programming. The heart of the program is the Code for Green Workshops, which operate at the United Nations School Complex in Polkowice, Primary School No. 77 named after the 15th Uhlan Regiment in Poznan, Local Government Primary School in Kaczanow, Local Government Primary School No. 6 named after John Paul II, and the Eighth Adam Mickiewicz Secondary School in Poznan.
Joint promotion of the Project, e.g. through mutual communication on cooperation regarding the scope of the Project, workshops and mentoring support of employees of the University of Technology addressed to teachers participating in the Project; inclusion of the Project in the activities of the University of Technology to encourage girls to develop and learn at the University in STEM areas, as well as mutual use of graphic signs.
Organization of classes for children of primary and secondary schools by conducting classes by the employees of the Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics of the Poznan University of Technology in the Institute's facilities as part of the Project.
Substantive coordination and supervision of employees of the University of Technology over the course of the Project.
Project leader: Adam Turkot, Ph.D., Eng.
Project number: 7034/IA/SP/2019
Project subject: Modular Dynamic Optical Observation System "MDSO^2"
Duration: 09.2019 to 12.2021
Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science.
Słowa kluczowe: obserwacje optyczne, serwomechanizmy wizyjne, precyzyjne algorytmy sterowania.
The MDS project concerns the development of an innovative research station, which consists of: an original astronomical assembly with high dynamics of movement, equipped with direct drives, capable of supporting a 1-meter class telescope or a set of wide-angle telescopes, a specialized control system and high-resolution vision converters. The equipment developed as part of the project will allow for testing new algorithms for controlling ultra-precise drives with accuracy far exceeding the requirements of classical applications in astrophysics. In addition, it will provide modularity to facilitate research work not only in the field of celestial object observation, but also in the tracking of satellites and space debris. The interdisciplinarity of the project is particularly important - it combines such scientific disciplines as: automatic control, electronics and electrical engineering, technical information technology and telecommunications, as well as astronomy. The unique mechanical features of the designed device and the software architecture used will enable research work related to target acquisition and their precise tracking.
Key words: optical observations, vision servos, precise control algorithms.
Project leader: Prof.Krzysztof Kozłowski, D.Sc., Eng./Dariusz Pazderski, D.Sc., Eng.
New control methods for a robotized mount equipped with a 0.5-m class telescope (Space Tracking and Surveillance System)
Advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) for precision maneuvers with single-body and articulated urban buses
SMART4ALL, Selfsustained Cross-Border Customized Cyberphysical System Experiments for Capacity Building among European Stakeholders
Analysis of adaptive control systems for electroactive polymers
The Innovation Incubator 4.0 project
subtask 4.5: Measurement platform for testing the quality of operation of airfield lamps
subtask 4.6: Remote sampling system for monitoring air and water purity
subtask 4.12: Pre-implementation studies of the SkyLab observation system
subtask 4.13: Pre-implementation tests of the goniometer
subtask 4.14: Intelligent control system for a mobile robot