12.00–12.05 - Welcome speeches from:Head of International Relations Office, Mgr. Magdalena ZAWIRSKA-WOLNIEWICZ
12.05–12.10 - Welcome from PUT international student
12.10–12.20 - Immigration Office – Visa and Temporary stay cards Ms. Joanna Ciesielczak
12.20–12.30 - Poznan City Hall, Ms Anna Wawdysz, Deputy Director Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Poznań for youth and academic cooperation
12.30–12.40 - Boarder regulations, Mr. Tomasz Kusztelski, junior warrant officer, Ms Marta Rolbiecka, junior warrant officer, Border Guard Checkpoint in Poznań – Ławica
12.40–12.50 - Police Headquarters in Poznan – Mr. Maciej Makarewicz
12.50–13.00 - National Health Funds – Voluntary insurance for foreign students -Ms. Magdalena Nowak
13.00–13.10 - Study regulations, Ms. Beata Zarzycka, Coordinator of international students of the Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering
13.10–13.20 - Centre of Languages and Communication – Ms. Barbara Sawicka
13.20–13.30 - Library – Ms Renata Tomaszczak
Stands for consultations:
- Immigration Office
- Boarder office
- Centre of Languages and Communication
- Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Poznań
- Police
- Centre of Sport
- Santander bank
- Migrant Info Point
- Library
- Student’s council